Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | September 2, 2008

Mongold Breaks Record

Edited at 11:33 p.m. on 9/10/2008

Bradley Mongold finishes the 292.09 mile Allegheny Trail at 7:10 p.m. on 9/1/2008. Bradley began this adventure with Adam Casseday at 5:37 a.m on Thursday, 8/28/2008. Bradley now holds the new record of 4 Days, 13 Hours, 33 Minutes.

Daily Mileage
Day 1: 81 miles
Day 2: 53.8 miles
Day 3: 61.65 miles
Day 4+: 95.64 miles

Noteworthy: Bradley completed 95.64 miles in a 34 hour 57 minute period between 8:13 a.m on 8/31 to 7:10 p.m on 9/1, with no sleep, after having completed 196.45 miles during the first three days.

I received the call from Kavara at 11:13 p.m on 9/1/2008 as Bradley and remaining crew (I think Francis, Gayle and Kavara…I hope I didn’t leave anyone out) were headed to Covington, VA for dinner. Apparently, Bradley is refusing to stop at Subway.

Danny, Lydia and their children Johnathan and Christopher traveled to Covington as well.

Please stay tuned for additional posts and photos.

Congratulations Bradley!

Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | September 1, 2008

Day 5: 9/1/2008.

I just called and left a voice message on Kavara’s cell phone. I would guess Bradley is finished by now. I am sure they are eating pizza and drinking champagne in a zero bar phone zone in the southern portion of West Virginia.

Just before I hit the publish button on this post, Adam called. He and Kadra are back home. They left Bradley today at around 3:00 p.m at Hanging Rock after running a bit together. He said that Kavara and Danny had headed out with Bradley for the final 14 miles as planned, and expected them to be finished at around 7:00 p.m. tonight. Adam also said that Bradley was running strong, “…was starting to drop his pacers.”

It was good chatting with you Adam!

I will keep you posted once I hear the news. jlb

Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | September 1, 2008

Day 5: 9/1/2008. 1020. Message from Kavara.

Edited at 12:58 a.m. on 9/8/2008

Bradley arrived at Jerry’s Run at 10:20 a.m. mileage 277.40 271.07. A caravan of 5 vehicles escorted Bradley and crew over the shuttle to Potts Creek Trail Head. This is an approximate one hour shuttle. Bradley was riding with Danny and Lydia eating his beloved sausage gravy and biscuits. “He came in running. He was running sub 8 minute pace for the last 4 miles with Danny Stuart”, stated Kavara. Paul is going to run the 2.77 mile road section with Bradley. And Bradley will be alone on the next trail section at Hanging Rock. Danny and Kavara are planning on running the last 14.65 miles with Bradley to the end.

I got behind on posting this last update. I would expect another update any time now. Stay tuned to find out Bradley’s finishing time. jlb

Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | September 1, 2008

Day 5: 9/1/2008. 0706. Conversation with Kavara.

This is the last of the continued phone update from Kavara in White Sulphur Springs. At this point we are a little less than an hour and half into the start of Day 5 even though Bradley has not had sleep and has been on the move since yesterday between 7:00 a.m (wake time) and 8:13 a.m. (start time).

“It is 7:06 a.m. on 9/1/2008, mile 261.77 outside of White Sulphur Springs. Bradley came running up the hill toward us at this aid station with Bill behind him. He had a low spot on this section. His left shin was looking bad and he was sleepy on this stretch. Of note, he has not slept since 7:00 a.m. yesterday and has been running the entire time. He has covered about 70 miles since then. Bill says, “he must be solar powered because he perked up when the sun rose.

He remains alert and is thinking well. He struggled up a bank to give Bill and Dan a hug before leaving the aid station, telling them he could not have done it without them. Bill is headed home to his daughter’s 16th birthday party, noting that, “I can’t miss my daughters 16th birthday party to go chasing Mongold through the woods all day.”

Danny Stuart will run this next section with Bradley.

We did have an adventure getting to this aid station. Francis has been nervous about this part for a while because when she scouted it out weeks ago, she had to cross private land, go 1/2 mile through a field with waist high grass, and she got chased by hounds. When we came to this spot at 5:00 a.m. we went to turn around in the driveway of the man who owns the land. The house was dark. Within seconds I saw a flashlight shining from the front door. Atsy Grahamn emerged with his little black mutt dog. Atsy is an older fellow (in his 60’s) with a long gray beard. He was dressed in work clothes…he had on one of those pocket shirts with his name embroidered on the chest. He told us to park in his yard and informed us he just brush-hogged the field we were about to walk through. Joking, Dan [Lehmann] asked if he was up waiting for us? He must not have gotten the joke because he answered very seriously, “Nope, I didn’t even know you all was comin. I have a whole field of tomaters and green peppers to pick so I best get started early.”

Atsy proceeded to tell us about rattlesnakes and how “in 1957 they killed 28 rattlesnakes and 32 copperheads up here”.

We are headed into White Sulphur Springs for breakfast and to call in updates, and buy more 6″ subs. Bradley requested sausage gravy and biscuits from Hardies.

The crew through the night has been Francis, Kavara, Gayle, Dan Lehmann and Danny and Lydia. Bill Young has been running. Everyone else was with us until 11:00 p.m and will meet up with us again soon. Gayle has been the official photographer for the last 2 days.” kv

Kavara is expecting to meet up again with Paul, Adam, Kadra, Corey and Chrissy, and Dan Lehmann’s daughter Laura.

The guidebook states the trail is 292.09 miles long. Kavara does not anticipate Bradley sleeping before Peters Mountain. She thinks Bradley will finish late afternoon to early evening. jlb

Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | September 1, 2008

Day 4: 9/1/2008. 0406. Conversation with Kavara.

This post is still part of Day 4 since it came in prior to the official start time of 5:37 a.m. This post is a continuation from the last 2 where Kavara called in at 8:53 a.m in White Sulphur Springs.

“It is 4:06 a.m. mile 255.44. He [Bradley] and Bill [Young] came in running and hollering again. [Bradley] ate 3 inches of a chicken terikaki sub, drank some Mountain Dew and then looked up at Bill and asked him what he was going to do. Bill said, “I’m with you sister.” and they left together.” kv

Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | September 1, 2008

Day 4: 8/31/2008. 2320. Conversation with Kavara.

This post is from the same phone call (from previous post) with Kavara at 8:53 a.m. in White Suphur Springs, WV.

“The time is 11:20 p.m on 8/31/2008, mile 243.03. Bill and Bradley just left for the 12 mile stretch with Bill threatening, “You better be ready ‘cus I’m going to run you like a pack of plot hounds chasing one of those bears you kill.”

Bradley came into this last aid station whooping and hollering and running pretty quick. He ate another 6″ sub…cold cut this time, drank some water and Mountain Dew, took a Succeed tablet and was out with Bill. He is no longer mellow and quiet; he is alert and thinking clearly.” kv

Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | September 1, 2008

Day 4: 8/31/2008. 1830. Conversation with Kavara.

Kavara called this morning (9/1 at 8:53 a.m.) from White Sulphur Springs, WV to provide post from last nights events. Before she provided me the updates, I asked about the car accident. It occurred at a busy intersection in Marlinton, WV. The intersection consists of a 3 way stop light and a gas station entrance. After the accident, Kavara went over and examined one of the victims. The lady was ok, but the ambulance took her away as a precaution.

“On 8/31 at 6:30 p.m. the mileage is 229.4 outside of Huntersville, WV. Bradley made his first comment about pain. His left shin is hurting him and affecting his form. Francis brought along some Arnica Gel, a homeopathic ointment for joints and muscle aches. Bradley conceded and let her rub it on his shins and knees. When she touched his shin, he cringed, so it must be hurting pretty badly.

He is eating more solid food now. He had a 6″ tuna sub from Subway and a cup of Big Bill Young’s warm soup.

Generally he says he feels alright except for his shin. He continues to run. He stays in each aid station for less than 5 minutes. He is more mellow and quiet now. He did get fired up at the last aid station when he saw his friends Bill Young and Dan Lehmann (both WVMTR) for the first time since the ALTSRA began. Dan [Lehmann] is running the 13 mile stretch with him from mile 229.4 to mile 243.03. After this he has a very long trail section through the dark without aid. Bill Young will accompany him.” kv

Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | August 31, 2008

Day 4: 8/31/2008. 1633. Phone message from Kavara.

I received 3 phone messages from Kavara while at the skatepark in Findlay, PA. Kavara and crew has had a difficult time getting phone service. So the last 6 messages I received came from the only pay phone in the state of West Virginia; Marlinton I think. But, this was by far the most amazing series of phone messages yet.

The first message has a time stamp of 4:33 p.m.

“Hi J.L. At 3:10 p.m. the mileage is 219.79…”
A very loud scrrreeeatch of tires and a very loud CRASH!
“AHH F@#%(*$ SH#T! oh, sorry J.L. I didn’t mean to cuss like that. I’ll call you back.”

The second message came in 7 minutes later at 4:40 p.m.

“Hi J.L. There was just a wreck, but the people are OK. At 3:10 p.m., mile 219.79 outside of Marlinton. Bradley just left us for a 10 mile trail section. Corey LeBrasseur and significant other Chrissy Paulson (both WVMTR) just showed up. Cory and Paul will join Bradley on the 10 mile trail section.

Bradley has been existing mostly on malto, Gatorade and Shot Bloks since the start, but he is getting a bit tired of sweet food and ate a 6″ seafood and crab sub from Subway at the last aid station. He is tired, but remains upbeat, positive, highly motivated and cleaver as always. He needs zero help getting out of the aid stations. He gets his stuff done in a serious manner and moves out, always making some sort of joke or, “throwing me a bone”, for the blog.

I am not sure how much is being said on the trails, as I have heard Bradley tell those running with him not to talk to him much. It helps him to have a fellow runner just tuck in behind him on the trails. He insists on leading and setting the pace. There are other sections he prefers to be on his own. Today is a good day for support. He has had someone with him 50% of his running time today. He is very aware of how lucky he is to have so many people out there. In an aid station this morning 5 support vehicles pulled up in line. He commented on how awesome it was to see that. The number of people willing to come out here even just to run behind him in silence is a testament to his character.

The terrain over the last 2 days has been primarily slow, rocky trails and it will remain so until the end. When the fog rolls in at night….”

At this point I hear sirens drowning out Kavara’s voice. I assume the ambulance is taking away the vehicular accident victims.

The third message came in 3 minutes later at 4:43 p.m. After Kavara apologizes, she continues.

“When the fog rolls in at night, this makes quick movement in these mountains even more difficult.

Bradley mentioned when I was running with him last night that he was considering going even further than just past Cass. I asked him where he wanted to go and he said, “to Peters Mountain, where else is there?”

We are in for a night! He looked at me this morning and said, “You better get some caffeine pills, I’m going to make you guys hurt.” kv

At the end of the post, Kavara made some general comments. She stated that, “Bradley is running well! He comes into every aid station running at a decent pace.”

Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | August 31, 2008

Day 4: 8/31/2008. 1259. Message from Paul.

I am playing catch up on the live updates. I had to take my son to Pittsburgh to get new hockey pants and shoulder pads. We then went to a skateboarding park in Findlay Township, PA. I missed a few update from Paul and Kavara. But, now back at the computer. Paul relayed the same information I received from Kavara in the last post. Below you will find what Paul added.

“As I drove Bradley to the start, Bradley said, “If his crew was not having spa treatments first thing this morning they would have taken him out.””

“…mile 206.47 in BFE.”

Paul stated that Bradley made the comment that, “If he wouldn’t have gone to bed last night he wouldn’t be having the problems he is having now, he said he was tired.”

Paul is planning on joining Bradley at the intersection of Rt 28 and Rt 92. There was some uncertainty in the message.

Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | August 31, 2008

Day 4: 8/31/2008. 1201. From a phone conversation with Kavara.

Kavara called me from a pay phone outside of Marlinton, West Virginia with the following updates.

Bradley passed mile 201.87 at 9:50 a.m.
He passed mile 206.47 at 11:20 a.m.
He just left on a 9 mile trail section with Danny Stuart.

Correction to the previous post 0755. The official start time today was 8:13 a.m.


Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | August 31, 2008

Day 4: 8/31/2008. 0755. Sent by Kavara.

Edited at 12:17 p.m. on 8/31/2008

I received a voice message this morning from Kavara at 8:21 a.m. Paul took Bradley to the start this morning. It sounds as if the start time was 7:55 8:13 a.m. If this is not correct, I will update the information.

“Stay tuned today, there is going to be a show.” Mongold

“It’s like groundhog day, get up and do it all again.” Francis

The crew was joined early this morning by Bradley’s high school friend Danny Stuart, his wife Lydia and 2 their small children Johnathon and Christopher. Danny and family arrived at 3:00 a.m. all the way from Michigan to support Bradley today.

Daily Totals To Date
Day 1: 81 miles
Day 2: 53.8 miles
Day 3: 61.65 miles


Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | August 31, 2008

Day 3: 8/30/2008. End of day update by Kavara.

Edited at 12:18 p.m on 8/31/2008

Kavara left a voice message on my cell phone at 2:22 a.m on 8/31/2008 with the following:

“At 11:30 p.m. [8/30] 191.35 miles at Cass.
At 1:05 a.m. [8/31] 196.45 miles at Sitlington, WV.

Well…he went to Cass and beyond! Bradley rolled into Cass along with Paul asking for 2 water bottles. He told me to get moving and within 1 minute we were headed toward the Greenbrier Trail. We ran 4 miles on the Greenbrier Trail and 1 mile up a hill on the road, stopping for the day where the ALT enters the woods again. We kept a good pace the entire way. He didn’t want to talk much, he just wanted me to stay in rhythm with him but one step behind and to the right. Francis drove behind us up the hill, headlights shinning on us. She hollered out the window, “This is just like the old days.” She has followed in her vehicle behind Bradley as he ran in the dark many times before. He knows what he has in his mom.

Francis was in the bathroom upstairs when he came into Cass. When he saw that she wasn’t there he looked at me and said, “You tell Francis I need her out here.” She was only upstairs using the bathroom, but within a minute Francis tore out of the parking lot in her truck headed for the opposite end of the Greenbrier Trail to intercept us.

It is 2:00 a.m. now and I hear Bradley and Paul talking in the next room. Hopefully he will be in bed soon.

Thank you to Mike Stennes (WVMTR) who went above and beyond by stashing aid on the 18.9 mile trail section into Cass. He left Bradley’s favorite Take5 candy bars along with many other goodies in a 5 gallon sealed bucket. Bradley and Paul used this stash and appreciated it.

Join us for Day 4 tomorrow. We have many more characters joining the cast and it promises to be an exciting day.” kv

Kavara’s voice message sounded very positive. She finished by saying everyone is doing well, and “Bradley was running real strong in the last section we ran together.”

Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | August 30, 2008

Day 3: 08/30/2008. 2245.

In the previous post (Day 3: 8/30/2008. 1851), I misstated the location of the Outpost Hotel. The Outpost Hotel is located in Cass, West Virginia. I have crossed out the text in the previous post and made the corrections.

Thanks Dan!

Dan Lehmann and Bill Young are planning on joining the crew tomorrow and do a little running with Bradley. Have fun fellows and keep the train rolling!

The next post from Kavara and crew should come in around midnight or later.

Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | August 30, 2008

Day 3: 8/30/2008. 1851. After a conversation with Kavara.

Edited at 10:51 p.m. on 8/30/2008

The theme for the day, no cell phone service. Kavara was calling me from the Outpost Hotel in Durbin Cass, WV at 6:51 p.m.

Bradley arrived in Durbin at 5:30 p.m. completing 172.45 miles. “Bradley was running strong when he arrived in Durbin. This section of trail must have been rough due to the amount of time taken”, said Kavara.

Paul “Wonder Boy” Davis left with Bradley on the next 18.9 miles of trail. The two runners left with the equivalence of nine 20oz bottles of fuel and water. Paul was wearing a Camelback.

Tonight, Bradley and crew will be staying at the Outpost Hotel in Durbin Cass. They will be joined in about an hour by Kavara’s mom Gayle.

“He is in and out [of the aid stations] fast, not talking much. He is determined.” Kavara

Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | August 30, 2008

Day 3: 8/30/2008. 1522. Conversation with Kavara.

Kavara called from the Whistle Stop Gift Shop in Durbin, West Virginia. She told me that she walked into the shop and asked the owner if there was a pay phone. “No, but you can use mine.” Thanks Ms. Gerry Mosier of the Whistle Stop! Gerry features 11 local artisans from West Virginia; Blenko Glass, Whitegrass Cookbooks and Allegheny Treenware to name a few. I would have supplied you with a link to Gerry’s store, but she does not have a web site. So, if you are in Durbin, stop by and tell her thanks for supporting ultra-runners!

I got to speak briefly with Adam. He is very disappointed about dropping out of the run. Everything on his body feels good except his swollen ankles, feet and toes. He is having difficulty with the tendons that lift the toes. “You would get a kick out of seeing my feet”, said Adam.

“It was 2:20 p.m at mile 162.34 outside of Durbin. Bradley just came off the 12.79 mile trail section. The guide book notes this section crosses over 15 peaks. He was running hard coming into our crew station and looked like he was feeling good. We don’t ever ask him how he is feeling and he doesn’t offer that information. It is not the Bradley Mongold style to talk about such things. While we waited, Paul Davis surprised us by barreling into the station in his big silver Pathfinder. He brought Bradley some sweet tea in honor of Dave “Sniper” Snipes, and some Panera bagels. [Bradley] left us with three bottles (1 water, 1 maltodextrin and 1 Gatorade/maltodextrin mix) and [Cliff] Bloks for a 10 mile trail section. We will meet him on Main Street in Durbin where Paul will join him for an 18.9 mile unaided trail section that ends in Cass.” kv

Kavara also told me that the weather is warm, humid and overcast. jlb

Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | August 30, 2008

Day 3: 8/30/2008. 1010. Conversation with Kavara.

“It is 10:10 a.m. at mile 149.37 outside of Glady, West Virginia. We just met Bradley and gave him four full bottles [20 oz], two with maltodextrin and two with water, along with Shot Bloks and Succeed Caps. He is headed out on a 12.97 mile trail section without aid.” kv

Morning quote from Bradley: “It is a lot lonelier out here now. The only thing I have to talk to are the voices in my head and they are meaner than Adam.”

The current crew consists of Kavara Vaughn, Kadra Casseday, Adam Casseday, Francis Mongold. No Grumpy Wayne. Paul Davis will be joining them today in Durbin, WV.

The current weather conditions: warm, humid and overcast.

Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | August 30, 2008

Day 3: 8/30/2008. 0930. Conversation with Kavara.

“It is 9:30 a.m., Bradley is now on his own. The morning began with an 8.3 mile trail section which Adam and Bradley covered together. Due to a severely swollen and painful ankle he has struggled with for the last 80 miles, Adam stopped at 9:27 a.m. just past the end of the 8.3 mile trail section, having completed 143 miles of the ALT. Adam immediately began planning how to best help Bradley. Adam and Kadra are out here crewing and will remain with us.” kv

jlb: “Kavara, what was the official start time for Adam and Bradley?”

Kavara: “5:19 a.m.”

jlb: “What did Adam and Bradley eat for breakfast?”

Kavara: “Adam’s parents made breakfast burritos.”

jlb: “What are Adam’s parents names?”

Kavara: “Terri and Larry Casseday.”

Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | August 30, 2008

Day 3: 8/30/3008. 1010.

The current time is 10:10 a.m. I have nothing new from Kavara and crew. I am sure there was a lot going on at the Casseday residence this morning trying to get two tired ultra-runners fed, dressed and out the door. I just tried calling both Kavara and Kadra’s cell phones and left messages. I am sure they are in a dead zone for cell service. Post will continue as I receive updates. jlb

Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | August 30, 2008

Photos: Day 1 and Day 2

A collection of photos from Day 1 and Day 2. They are presented oldest at the top, most recent at the bottom.

Day 1



Taking after Grumpy Wayne

Taking after Grumpy Wayne

A much happier Bradley

A much happier Bradley

Adam's drink of the day

Adam's drink of the day

Crew chief Frances regressing to her days as baby Bradley's mommy (note the baby wipes)

Crew chief Frances regressing to her days as baby Bradley's mommy (note the baby wipes)

The ever-attentive Kadra with her hubby

The ever-attentive Kadra with her hubby

Adam chowing down in the ice bath

Adam chowing down in the ice bath

Dinner with John and Gene

Dinner with John and Gene

Day 2

Randy and Kelley Young left this sign at the top of Close Mountain Road. The boys came to this sign at 5:30 a.m. today. Randy and Kelley must have gotten up really early to take it there. Thank you two!

Start of Day 2

Close Mountain Road at 5:30 a.m. on Day 2

Posted by: alleghenytrailrun | August 29, 2008

Day 2: 8/29/2008. 2249. Email update from Kavara.

“7:50 p.m. 134.8 miles Route 33 at Evenwood outside Elkins, WV

The boys finished today in the daylight and right on schedule. Gone are the days of continuous aid along the road. They primarily ran on “gnarly” single track today, receiving aid between segments. Adam’s gi issues resolved relatively quickly and they were both able to fuel well throughout the day. They had a few low spots, but there was never a doubt they would stay on schedule. They pushed together and finished a solid 54 miles. They also had a boost from two new running partners. Gene Lewis joined them at mile 100.7 and ran with them to mile 117.5. John McGrath also joined them for a stretch in there. They are determined to get this done . . . Bradley just closed his bedroom door for the night and his parting words were, “We’re going to Cass.”

We had a hot meal and beds awaiting us again tonight thanks to Adam’s parents. They prepared lasagna, garlic bed, and salad for us. Bradley was ready to consume a plate of food in front of him until he stuck his feet in an ice bath and vasovagaled * himself and sat with his head on the table, fighting the urge to vomit for 15 minutes. He felt better after his shower and was able to eat his entire meal. Adam followed suit and vasovagaled himself too. Smart boys. Maybe they won’t do that tomorrow night. They both hit the sack at 10:15 tonight and the alarm will sound at 4:00 a.m. to signal the beginning of day 3 of the assault.

Thanks to Jody Logar for coming by this morning to see Adam and Bradley along the course. They will be joined by some more friends tomorrow, including Paul Davis. I am not certain who else is coming tomorrow, but I will let you know when they arrive 🙂 . Sorry for the lack of updates today . . . there was literally zero cell service the entire day after the post this morning. Thanks again for following . . . please keep the encouragement rolling.” kv

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